Nail Glow
DIY Silver glitter nails This is my first post of the year 2018. 2017 was great, God has been great! Here is a short and quick post on how and what was used in order to get your own beautiful natural nails look this stunning and sparkly in just 5 easy and quick steps. 1. Add a layer of the glitter nail polish as a base. 2. Dust the loose glitter unto your nail or dip your finger into the glitter pot. All this needs to be done before the nail polish drys off. 3. Allow nails with both glitter and nail polish to dry for at least 10-15 minutes and then dust any excess glitter from the nail. 4. Re-apply the glitter nail polish specifically unto the nail with the loose glitter as a top coat in order to not have any fallout and for the glitter to really sparkle. 5.To clean up any extra glitter around the nail areas a highlighter fan brush or an eyeshadow brush can be used to do this. P.S- Make sure that any nail polish is removed...